I never really thought I was the blog type. Writing really isn't my strong suit. This is really a boring one. I hope to add more as I go along. I usually learn things as I go so this will probably start simple and a little stupid then work up. ( I hate reading the instructions)
I love to learn new things mostly old crafts like spinning, soap making, candle making etc. Right now I'm learning to make paper. I hope to post some finished projects a little later.
This will sound a little dorky weird, but I feel like I have a calling to learn as much of the old crafts that we are losing so that I can teach them if and/or when they are needed. I know how to cook just about anything over a open fire. I can spin with a drop spindle. I'm working on hand sewing I learned how to sew on a treadle sewing machine, I can milk a goat, make cheese, churn butter, make sour dough.....Maybe it comes from to much Little House on the Prairie as a kid what little girl didn't want to be Laura Ingles in the 70's???